In Marvel United: Multiverse, you take the role of iconic Marvel Heroes cooperating to stop the master plan of a powerful Villain controlled by the game. Each Villain unveils their unique master plan, with cards that trigger different effects, and threats that pose challenges across the locations. Heroes must choose carefully the cards to play from their unique decks, that not...
Following a tragic Super Hero operation that resulted in many casualties, the Superhuman Registration Act was ratified, forcing heroes to reveal their secret identities and subject themselves to government oversight. Iron Man agreed with the policy and gathered a team of Pro-Registration heroes around him to enforce it. Captain America, on the other hand, felt heroes needed to be above...
In Marvel United: X-Men, you take the role of iconic Marvel Heroes cooperating to stop the master plan of a powerful Villain controlled by the game. Each Villain unveils their unique master plan, with cards that trigger different effects, and threats that pose challenges across the locations. Heroes must choose carefully the cards to play from their unique decks, that not...
Dungeons & Dragons: Onslaught is a competitive skirmish game in which each player controls an adventuring party from one of the powerful factions of the Forgotten Realms. Parties delve into dungeons, battle rival adventurers, and confront fearsome monsters on a quest for treasure and glory. In more detail, Dungeons & Dragons: Onslaught is a scenario-based combat game in which you...
Playmats featuring popular Magic: The Gathering artwork. Made with a soft fabric top to reduce damage to cards during play and a non-slip rubber backing to keep the playmat from shifting during use, playmats enhance the gameplay experience. With dimensions of approximately 24 in. x 13.5 in., a playmat also makes an excellent oversize mousepad for home or office. Officially...
The King Kong Monster Pack adds new elements to the game: Tokyo Tower for King of Tokyo and the Empire State Building for King of New York! Evolution cards let you play King of Tokyo and King of New York with supercharged Monsters! King Kong's Evolutions work like the Evolutions in King of Tokyo: Power Up! and King of New...
Each deck includes:
A 40-card deck (1 Hero + 39 non-Hero cards)
The 5 Adventure cards (this is the only place these appear)
15 cardboard game markers
1 folded playmats
A basic rulebook
1 Foiler of a random rarity
Each deck includes:
A 40-card deck (1 Hero + 39 non-Hero cards)
The 5 Adventure cards (this is the only place these appear)
15 cardboard game markers
1 folded playmats
A basic rulebook
1 Foiler of a random rarity