"Our best event to date, Comic-Con Dubai 2017, which is the largest pop-culture festival in the region, where youngsters, teens, adults and families joined to celebrate the wonders of the geek world was a great success! Of course, where there are a bunch of geeks and gamers, Back to Games will be there too! We were so thrilled to be participating in our 2nd Comic-Con, as we once again brought a vast array of amazing products and tabletop games to our stand. As per our traditions, those who wanted to try our products, did so, and our booth was endlessly busy throughout all 3 days of the convention. We also held several tabletop games tournaments, including our first attmept at competative Splendor, one of our best selling titles! it was non-stop fun for our team and great excitement all around, as we brought our passion and soulful dedication to the event."