Hey boys and girls! Give a big hand for this amazing card holder that makes playing card games easier than ever. Put as many cards as you can between the plastic paddles and before you know it, you'll be playing like a pro!
This beautiful and functional board has room for two teams of large marbles. Players take turns pushing the marbles around the board, with the goal of pushing six of the opposing player's marbles off the board. The central idea is that a column of marbles has weight given by the number of marbles in line. Someone will need to push...
This is what you can expect in a booster pack:
1 Hero card
8 Common cards
3 Rare cards
In 1 out of every 8 packs, a Unique card will replace a Rare card.
1 Token card
In 1 out of every 4 packs, a Foiler of a random rarity will replace a Token card.