145 Item(s)



Dhs. 185.00
In 1974, the band The Meeples broke up during the recordings for the "Vinil" album. The A-side of the unfinished album quickly became cult-followed by fans and critics around the world, turning into one of the most intriguing legends of rock-and-roll history. Fifty years later, the band has finally reunited to finish the B-side with the help of a team...

Boop The Halls

Dhs. 139.00
A deceptively cute, deceivingly challenging abstract strategy game for two players. The Mensa award winning, Game of the Year, boop, is back with a new Holiday edition and has really leveled up game play (literally!!). The hoomans are hanging ornaments on the highest boughs of the tree, but those clever cats are leaping up and boopin’ them right off. You...

Abalone [AR/EN]

Dhs. 115.00
This beautiful and functional board has room for two teams of large marbles. Players take turns pushing the marbles around the board, with the goal of pushing six of the opposing player's marbles off the board. The central idea is that a column of marbles has weight given by the number of marbles in line. Someone will need to push...


Dhs. 139.00
Chromino – short for "chromatic domino" – challenges players to empty their hand of chromino tiles first. Each such tile has three colors on it laid out in a 1x3 row. At the start of the game, each player takes a hand of eight chrominoes and a special start tile with a wild center square is placed face-up on the table....

Flowers: A Mandala Game

Dhs. 165.00
In Flowers: A Mandala Game, your goal is to collect flower tiles by achieving majorities through clever card play. Skillfully build mandalas to claim the best tiles, combining and multiplying them to create exquisite flowers of your own! To set up, layout the game cloth showing three large "mandala" flowers. Shuffle the 36 half-flower tiles in separate decks — 18 each...

Patterns: A Mandala Game

Dhs. 115.00
Patterns: A Mandala Game is another area-control design by Trevor Benjamin and Brett J. Gilbert. Patterns draws you in as you take turns swapping tiles from the large mandala at your table. Each player tries to mark contiguous colored areas as territory. Start by spreading the unique tea towel play mat first and creating a mandala by all but 2 out...

Stack'n Stuff: A Patchwork Game

Dhs. 139.00
In Stack'n Stuff, a more streamlined version of Patchwork, players are on the move. However, packing all of your stuff into a moving truck is quite tricky, costly, and time consuming — and the day runs out fast! During the game, the last player on the time track chooses one of the next three furniture items. After paying the transportation cost and...

Jackaroo: 2-6 Players

Dhs. 235.00
Jackaroo is highly popular board game in the Middle East based on themechanics of Ludo and Fast Track. The game is played with a deck ofplaying cards and elegant marbles. The goal of the game is to get allyour marbles by moving them around the board, from your "Home" toyour "Base". Use the cards you have in hand to your...

Quixo [Mini] (اللعبة الأساسية)

Dhs. 105.00
Quixo bears a superficial resemblance to Tic-Tac-Toe - with one player being crosses and the other circles, and with both trying to create a line of their symbol - but that's where the resemblance ends. The pieces in the game are cubes that have a circle on one side, a cross on another, and blank faces on the other four;...

Tetris Stax

Dhs. 79.00
Stack up the Tetriminos! Select a challenge and then arrange the Tetrimino pieces on the card so they fit perfectly within the grid. You'll have to figure out how they nestle together to solve each challenge.Stack your way through all 48 puzzles and become the champion!Contents:14 Tetriminos48 Challenge CardsRules of Play Ages: 10+Players: 1Game Length: 20 minutes Mechanisms:• Solo / Solitaire Game